4 Places to Keep Your Kid’s Books

At Anderson Therapy Services, we know how important it is for children to be exposed to books from an early age. Reading to your child on a regular basis helps develop language and literacy skills for future academic and social success.

However, you don’t have to wait until bedtime to read, there are other opportunities throughout the day for your child to look at books. The trick is having books in lots of different places! Here are 4 places we think are great for keeping books:

  1. In the bathtub. There are some great books available that can live in your bathtub. These books are a great way to incorporate literacy while getting your little ones squeaky clean!
  2. Backseat of your car. Carry a few books in the backseat of your car. Your son or daughter can get restless during long drives and having a few books on hand is a great alternative from having them staring at screens for too long.
  3. In your child’s wagon or stroller. While you’re pulling or pushing your child along to the park, have them read a book to you. Encourage your son/daughter to read to you or tell you what they see on the page. You can also read together at the park on a bench or blanket to have a break from the physical activity.
  4. In any room in the house! Have books in all rooms in your house. Children enjoy re-reading older books as well as new ones. Leave them in different places in the house for your child to discover.

Don’t forget to visit your local library too, so your child can pick some new books to discover. Varying the books you have available will help to keep their (and your) interest.

If you have any concerns about your child’s literacy development or would like to find out more about what we can offer, then please contact our team or speech-language pathologists and communicative disorders assistants today. Our team would be happy to answer your questions.