Behaviour Therapy for Indigenous Youth

Anderson Therapy Services has been collaborating and working with Indigenous/First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities across Northern Canada, Ontario and Quebec.

Are you concerned with your child’s academic or social skills? Does your child struggle to complete daily living activities independently? Does your child often engage in challenging behaviours?

Behaviour Therapy uses principles and techniques of Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) to increase a child’s skills repertoire and promote positive behaviours. Behaviour Therapy also decreases a wide-range of challenging behaviours that limit participation in daily activities and/or interaction with others. Individualized programs work on skills such as:

  • Requesting
  • Labelling
  • Following directions
  • Independent play
  • Daily living skills
  • Social skills

Our team provides 1:1 or group sessions to toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children. We support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, and / or developmental disabilities. Our team also provides behavioural support and training to caregivers.

Our therapy services for Indigenous/First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities can be accessed in remote areas using our online videoconferencing technology as well as on-site visits. Our unique service delivery model, in partnership with communities, has helped many First Nations children and youth achieve success across various needs.

What We Do

Behaviour Analysts use evidence-based interventions to develop the most effective treatment for your child. Discrete trial teaching and naturalistic environment teaching methods are commonly used. Ongoing data collection is used to monitor the increase or decrease in behaviours of interest and evaluate progress over time.

We strive to improve your child’s quality of life while providing a safe and positive learning environment. We provide 1:1 therapy and consultative services in a setting that is convenient for you.

Are Difficulties Holding You Back?
Let us know how we can help.

The clinicians at Anderson Therapy Services will try their best to work with your schedule and offer you therapy services at your convenience. To learn more about our services, contact us at (289) 238-8598 or at

Proudly serving Indigenous, First Nations and Aboriginal communities across Northern Canada, Ontario and Quebec.

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