Speech-Language Therapy for Children

Concerned with your child’s speech development? Does your child have difficulties communicating? Does your child have difficulties reading and writing?

Speech-language and literacy delays can impact your child’s academic performance and social interactions. Our team of Speech-Language Pathologists and Communicative Disorders Assistants are able to provide assessment and therapy to children with various needs including:

We Provide Online Speech Therapy

For your viewing pleasure, the following is a sample session to show how Speech-Language Therapy works online. After a free download and a few clicks, we are able to engage with the client (and families as needed) and target their speech-language goals using a variety of materials including, presentations, images, web sites, and most importantly face-to-face! Feel free to reach out to one of our Speech-Language Pathologists to learn more about how we can provide online speech therapy from the safety and comfort of your home.

What We Do

Our clinicians will use a variety of evidence-based therapy techniques to help achieve your child’s speech-language goals. We always encourage families to seek early intervention; however, it’s never too late to seek services. Our team is prepared to help your child overcome their speech, language or literacy difficulties at any age. Sessions are tailored to a child’s age and interests, and include a strong parental training component. We are proud to offer our therapy services in the most convenient setting.

Are Difficulties Holding You Back?
Let us know how we can help.

The clinicians at Anderson Therapy Services will try their best to work with your schedule and offer you therapy services at your convenience. To learn more about our services, contact us at (289) 238-8598 or at info@andersontherapy.ca

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